• Tiếng Việt
  • +028 73070972
  • info@liconin.com.vn




Upper 18 old – follow Regulations in Viet Nam
Qualified skills follow the position
Welder: required certification – testing

Healthy check

Healthy type 1 & 2 for the main job
Healthy type 3 for housekeeping

HSE Training

Required all staff and employees before working on the project

Analyzing the tasks to be performed, identifying and eliminating hazards, and communicating with their crews on how to do the job safely.

HSE Training Specific Hazardous Work

Working at high
Confinder space
Crane operator
Certified Electrician

Certified Electrician
Third-party trained


Equipment Training

Risk Assessment

The Permit to Work

The Permit to Work Procedure and various works subject to the Permit to Work must be established and fully informed to personnel responsible for the work.

Site engineer and Site HSSE Manager are responsible for finalizing a written Permit to Work Procedure describing the following:

Conditions and type of work requiring Permits to Work

Department/ Authority who issues Permits

Deadlines for submissions of applications

Application process/steps

Survey and/or measurements required.


Responsibility :  HSE team, Engineer team, Foreman, worker….

Medical equipment inspection;

Traffic (speed limit) and vehicle inspection;

Firefighting equipment;

Food and hygiene inspection;

Emergency signs, alarm and exits inspection;

Scaffolding inspection;

PPE Inspection;

Housekeeping, etc.


HSSE Management Meeting
Monthly & as requiredSM, CM, HSSEM, Security Manager
2Tool Box MeetingAt least WeeklySupervisor, Foremen, Workers HSSE SVs
3STARRTDailySupervisor, Foremen, Workers HSSE SVs
4HSSE Training-Daily or as required 
5HSSE Induction Training-As requiredFor all new entrants
6HSSE Training for Manager-As requiredFor Manager and supervisor
7HSSE Training for hazards work-Every Six monthsFor Employees involved in
8Fire and First-aid Training-Every Six monthsFor all HSSE personnel
9Evacuation/Rescue Training For emergency response team
Waste disposal
Daily as requiredBy every work crew after day`s work
By designated disposal date/time
11Equipment InspectionAt bringing onto site and PeriodicallyBy LICONIN M&E inspectors
12General Safety InspectionDailyBy supervisors/foremen, HSSE Staff
13Planned Safety InspectionWeeklyBy CM, Const. SVs, and other assigned
14Official HSSE AuditEvery six MonthsBy Senior management
15Permit to WorkDaily or as requiredFor designated work or location
16General PromotionAccording programGroups or individuals contributed to HSSE Performances
17Safety Incentive AwardsAccording program
18Sanitation & Health ServiceAs requiredFor employee involved in health hazards
19Physical ExaminationMonthlyQuality test by authorized laboratory
20Potable WaterMonthlyCamp Manager, HSSE SVs
21Camps, Kitchen & ToiletsWeeklyHSSE SVs
22On-Site ToiletsWeeklyHSSE SVs
24Daily HSSE ReportDailyFrom HSSE SVs to HSSEM
25Monthly HSSE ReportMonthlyFrom HSSEM to SM and to PM
26Monthly Statistics ReportMonthlyFrom HSSEM to SM and to PM
27HSSE Inspection ReportAs requiredFrom Inspectors to HSSEM, CMs
28HSSE Audit ReportEvery six monthsFrom Auditors to PM, SM, HSSEM
29Training ReportMonthlyFrom trainer to HSSEM
30Accident ReportImmediately, timelyFrom SM/HSSEM to PM